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  • 88 Articles
5 Tips to Stay Healthy in Your 40s

5 Tips to Stay Healthy in Your 40s

Unfortunately, staying fit and healthy doesn’t get easier as you age. Yet, at the same time, it’s crucial for people in their 40s to make their health a priority. Indeed, by making positive lifestyle changes now, individuals can influence key factors that affect their health and well-being. Thankfully, it’s entirely possible to enjoy healthy and…

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By Nick Vincent, January 7, 2020
How to Get a Loan Without a Job and Bad Credit

How to Get a Loan Without a Job and Bad Credit

The ability to take out loans is something that many Americans take for granted. However, for many of us, it’s not so simple. Trying to get a loan when you don’t have a job is tough. Trying to get a loan when you don’t have a job, and you also have bad credit is extremely…

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By Nick Vincent, June 11, 2019
How To Create Cool Photos For Your Blog With Movavi

How To Create Cool Photos For Your Blog With Movavi

All serious bloggers know how important it is to use really good images on their sites. Whether you take the pictures yourself, you buy them or you use stock photos, you need to be sure they are of the highest possible quality. In order to do this you will surely need to do some editing….

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By Nick Vincent, May 30, 2019
3 Handy Tips for Moving to a New House

3 Handy Tips for Moving to a New House

Moving is one of life’s greatest adventures and can end up being a huge stressor on your life. I’ve unfortunately moved more times than I care to remember, but one benefit of this is that I’ve become a bit of an expert at ways to make the moving process less stressful and more enjoyable. Here…

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By Nick Vincent, May 29, 2019
3 Ways to Transform Your Life in 2019

3 Ways to Transform Your Life in 2019

Are you feeling a little bored of life? Does everything feel same from year to year? If you’re starting to feel that way, it might be time for a dramatic change. From upgrading your home, changing your career or even traveling the world, there are three ways you can dramatically transform your life in 2019….

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By Nick Vincent, May 28, 2019
Decisions to make when planning to get in shape

Decisions to make when planning to get in shape

Maintaining good health is important for everyone, and people value their health for different reasons. It may be because it ensures you will be around to see your children grow up. Good health may be important because it lets you do things like travel or play sports without injuring yourself. You may simply want to…

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By Nick Vincent, April 14, 2019
Top ways you can reduce your carbon footprint

Top ways you can reduce your carbon footprint

You’re probably aware of how important it is to reduce your carbon footprint so we can all fight climate change together. With everything we hear in the news, this may sound like too big of a job, but there are plenty of things you can do every day to reduce your carbon footprint and make…

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By Nick Vincent, March 12, 2019
How can we improve our work-life balance

How can we improve our work-life balance

The fact that almost a third of UK workers feel that they don’t have a good work-life balance means this is an important issue for us to address. Not having the right balance can take its toll on our mental health, our relationships and home life happiness. Read on as we investigate the best way…

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By Nick Vincent, January 31, 2019
Wake Up to Vegan Wines this Veganuary

Wake Up to Vegan Wines this Veganuary

Have you heard of Veganuary? It’s a movement to encourage people to become vegan for January, or for the rest of the year for that matter. Vegans choose to avoid eating animal products which include meat, eggs, dairy products and honey. They may also avoid wearing clothing derived from animals such as fur, silk and…

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By Nick Vincent, January 22, 2019
My top SEO tips for blogging

My top SEO tips for blogging

As a blogger, SEO has long been something I’ve needed to work with so I could get my blog in front of more eyes. If you’re considering becoming a blogger, you may be a little mystified about what SEO is, and how you can use it. If this is the case, this post is for…

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By Nick Vincent, August 10, 2018