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Quick and Easy Smoothie Recipes for More Energy

  • July 22, 2016
  • By Nick Vincent
Quick and Easy Smoothie Recipes for More Energy

Mother Nature is an endless pool of well-being – and all we have to do is to reach out and collect what it has to offer best for our happiness. From the amazing landscapes of the world to the banal apple you can buy in every season, natural sources of health and delight are everywhere around us.

Even a simple smoothie can lift you and boost your energy levels in ways you didn’t even realize were possible! For example, here are some quick and easy smoothie recipes you can do for more energy and more well-being in your everyday life:


Banana Green Smoothie

It is a well-known fact that green smoothies are absolutely golden when it comes to maintaining your health – so why not infuse your day with energy and vitamins by having a green smoothie in the morning? In general, mixing greens, fruit and yogurt (or coconut milk, if you want to go dairy-free) will result in a delicious and vitamin-packed smoothie you will definitely love. For example, you could mix up a banana, a bit of matcha powder, a glass of almond milk, a handful of romaine lettuce leaves and just a drop of honey to create a smoothie that’s extremely healthy and more than tasty as well.

Sunshine Smoothie

Looking for a bright-colored, vibrant smoothie to boost your energy levels first thing in the morning? A Sunshine Smoothie will do the trick! Simply mix up a handful of frozen grapes, a couple of freshly-juiced tangerines and a red grapefruit. This smoothie may not be as thick or as satiating as other variations, but it can definitely be an energizer you will love to make every single morning. If you want to add a bit more texture to the smoothie, you can drop in half a banana or a spoonful of oats as well – and it will definitely taste equally delicious!


Refreshing Mint Smoothie

Summer’s not fully gone, so you might still want something tasty, healthy and refreshing to “recharge” you on a warm day of August.  A refreshing mint smoothie can work like wonders not only when it comes to cooling you down, but also when it comes to boosting your mood and energy. For instance, you could make a mint-infused smoothie by blending an apple, one orange, 2 cups of cubed watermelon, one teaspoon of lemon juice, half a cup of pineapple and just a small sprig of fresh mint. An explosion of taste and energy!

Strawberry Smoothie

Who doesn’t love strawberries? Summery and packed with energizing vitamins, these wonderful “offerings” of Mother Nature are a true delight in smoothies, juices, cakes and pretty much every other type of food there is. For a delicious strawberry smoothie, blend half of a banana, one cup of coconut milk, one cup of strawberries and a teaspoon of honey (or agave syrup, if you prefer this type of sweetener). Adjust the sweetness to your taste and enjoy this cup of energy, vitamins, health and well-being!



By Nick Vincent, July 22, 2016